He Posh! Watch and learn... The lovely Van Kempen sisters demonstrate how easy it is to transform your old bimbo sneakers into unique pieces that would eat Lady Gaga's heart out...
Get ready for the cozy winter and make your flat fabulous. Come and join us this friday, october 14th between 4 to 10pm and make in only 1h your own pillow. LAB. offers you an all-inclusive-DIY kit for 25E, machines and professional help are on the spot at Sweat Shop. Tell your friends!
SWEAT SHOP presents BODYFRIEND - The tactile, darkly humorous objects by BODYFRIEND are like a slightly perverse shiver running through the spine. A caress that touches the eyelashes, the navel, the chest, the fingertips and finally the hair. And what if these objects were triggers of desire? Come and see the collection and get your unique piece - until december 2011 at Sweat Shop Paris.
Good people, good music, good champagne, good mood,...great book! Find more pictures of our book launch on Facebook. And order a copy online or get it directly in the shop.
Customise queen and stylist to the stars- Vava Dudu - showed us how to revamp our wardrobe. And all you need is beads& threads& scissors& all the little bits& pieces you find at home to give your favorite jacket an edgy look.