jeudi 9 décembre 2010

lundi 15 novembre 2010

Knit like a man

This one's great, the world needs more of Þórgnýr Thoroddsen's! Watch& learn!

How to knit like an Icelandic man from Iceland on Vimeo.

mardi 9 novembre 2010


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lundi 25 octobre 2010

Trinkets& Treasures

A shipment of new merchandise has arrived on Sweat Shop's doorstep this week.
Come in and check these fine, hand crafted things of beauty.

Let's start with the unique silk scarfs of swiss knit-wear designer IKOU TSCHÜSS..
...and their matching necklaces: homemade and hand-made for Sweat Shop Paris.
JEANNE, a young jewelry designer from Brussels, makes sure quirky and cool go hand in hand with nostalgic and green. Recycled toys are reborn as colourful brooches.
Our dear friend from the amazing antwerp label PELICAN AVENUE makes our home wonderful again with these incredibly colourful and visually arresting giant cushions.
And last but not least: Sweat Shop's very own kits include everything you need to make your favorite piece. Why not starting with a shopping bag! (makes your christmas shopping even more fun!)

dimanche 17 octobre 2010

FRED - the king of the bananas

Say hello to Fred - he just finished his very own interpretation of a belt bag. We love it, Fred!

jeudi 26 août 2010


We're back& look what we found in our letterbox!

mardi 3 août 2010

Work in progress

Danish artist Birgitte Mork Winther is creating a new store front. Come by to see this exciting design evolve!

to be continued..

lundi 26 juillet 2010

Last week

Photo de Mel Petitqueue

lundi 28 juin 2010

Sebastian's World

Subscribe for our knitting class with Sebastien Davidtelevision!